
情報資源収集日:2024/4/1 ; 更新:2024/4/21 ; 件数:4370。
全分野0 総記1 哲学2 歴史3 社会4 自然5 工業6 産業7 芸術8 言語9 文学
002 知識.学問.学術007 情報科学010 図書館.図書館学
013 図書館管理014 資料の収集.資料の整理.資料の保管015 図書館奉仕.図書館活動
016 各種の図書館017 学校図書館018 専門図書館
019 読書.読書法021 著作.編集023 出版
024 図書の販売025 一般書誌.全国書誌026 稀書目録.善本目録
027 特種目録028 選定図書目録.参考図書目録029 蔵書目録.総合目録
030 百科事典031 日本語の百科事典032 中国語の百科事典
033 英語の百科事典050 逐次刊行物051 日本の雑誌
052 中国語の雑誌053 英語の雑誌058 ロシア語の雑誌
059 一般年鑑060 団体061 学術・研究機関
063 文化交流機関069 博物館070 ジャーナリズム.新聞
071 日本の新聞072 アジアの新聞073 ヨーロッパの新聞
074 アフリカの新聞075 北アメリカの新聞076 南アメリカの新聞
077 オセアニア.両極地方の新聞080 叢書.全集.選集082 中国語の叢書
083 英語の叢書

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NDC=053 英語の雑誌を表示しています。
  • 学術情報流通推進委員会
    "SPARC Japanは、オープンアクセス・オープンサイエンスに関するアドボカシー活動、オープンアクセス等に関する国際イニシアティブとの連携を行います。"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
    "NII電子リソースリポジトリ(NII-REO)は、我が国の大学等教育研究機関に対して、安定的・継続的に電子ジャーナル等の学術コンテンツを提供するものです。" NDC: 053
    リンク数: 17 ->開く
  • ScienceDirect
    "ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles."(meta name="description") NDC: 027, 053
    リンク数: 57 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    "ScienceDirectは、科学、技術および医学研究のための世界有数の情報源です。雑誌、図書および論文を調査してください。"(meta name="description")
  • Browse journals and books
    "Browse journals and books at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    "査読学術文献のトップ・プラットフォームであるElsevierのScienceDirect.comで雑誌や書籍をご覧ください"(meta name="description")
    "CORDIS has a rich and structured public repository with all project information held by the European Commission such as project factsheets, participants, reports, deliverables and links to open-access publications."(About->What's on CORDIS?) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Browse Open Access Journals
    "[..] All research articles published in our fully open access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. We publish a number of journals across biological, chemical and health sciences." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Directory of open access journals
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
    "DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 32 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    "DOAJ は、世界中の多様なオープンアクセスジャーナルのユニークで広範なインデックスです。質の高いコンテンツを誰もが自由にオンラインで利用できるようにすることを目指す、成長するコミュニティによって推進されています。"(meta name="description")
Cambridge University Press
  • Cambridge Core
    "Cambridge Core - the books and journals platform from Cambridge University Press replacing Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) and Cambridge Books online (CBO)."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 21 ->開く
Internet Archive
  • Internet Archive Scholar
    "This fulltext search index includes over 35 million research articles and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive." NDC: 053, 010
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Oxford University Press
  • Journals
    Title list is available as Journals A to Z. NDC: 053
    リンク数: 14 ->開く
  • Access to OUP resources on COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and related topics
    "As part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, Oxford University Press has gathered content from online resources and leading journals here"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 3 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    "現在世界中で流行しているCOVID-19への対応の一環として、オックスフォード大学出版局は、オンラインリソースや主要ジャーナルからコンテンツをここに作成しました。"(meta name="description")
Taylor & Francis Online
  • Open journals
    "Taylor & Francis Group's flourishing program of full open access journals enables you to make your academic research freely and permanently available so anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Annual Reviews
  • Annual Reviews
    "Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society."(meta name="description") NDC: 053, 027
    リンク数: 4 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    Annual Reviews
  • Browse Journals
    FILTER BY CATEGORY: Biomedical/Life Sciences (32) ; Physical Sciences (16) Social Sciences (16); Economics (3) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • Sherpa Romeo - v2.sherpa
    "Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis." NDC: 053, 021
    リンク数: 7 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    SHERPA / ROMEO : 出版社の著作権ポリシーとセルフアーカイビング
    "Sherpa Romeoは、世界中の出版社のオープンアクセスポリシーを集約および分析し、出版社の著作権とオープンアクセスのアーカイブポリシーの概要をジャーナルごとに提供するオンラインリソースです。"
The Johns Hopkins University
  • Project MUSE
    "For nearly 30 years, Project MUSE has been the trusted and reliable source for access to essential humanities and social science research, as an integral part of the scholarly communications ecosystem and platform of choice for respected not-for-profit publishers."(About->MUSE Story) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 6 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    Project MUSE
    "30年近くにわたり、プロジェクトMUSEは、人文科学および社会科学の重要な研究にアクセスするための信頼できる情報源となっています。同時に学術コミュニケーションとしてのエコシステムにとって不可欠な部分として、また信頼される非営利出版社に選ばれてきました。”(About->MUSE Story)
Genamics JournalSeek
  • JournalSeek - A Searchable Database of Online Scholarly Journals
    "Genamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of scholarly journal information available on the internet."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 6 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    JournalSeek : オンライン学術雑誌を検索可能なデータベース
    "Genamics JournalSeekは、インターネットで利用できる学術雑誌情報に関する最大で完全な分類されたデータベースです。"(meta name="description")
  • SAGE Journals
    "Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world's leading independent academic publisher."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 5 ->開く
  • EBSCO Information Services
    "EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks and discovery service for academic libraries, public libraries, corporations, schools, government and medical institutions"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 3 ->開く
  • EBSCO Information Services
    "EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks and discovery service for academic libraries, public libraries, corporations, schools, government and medical institutions"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Think. Check. Submit.
  • Think. Check. Submit.
    "Think. Check. Submit. Helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research. Through a range of tools and practical resources, this international cross-sector initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications."(About) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 3 ->開く
  • Japanese | Think. Check. Submit.
    "このチェックリストは、出版社があなたの研究に適しているかどうかを見極める際に、必要なことを明らかにするのに役立つツールです" NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • Unpaywall
    "Unpaywall finds the kind of articles you'd see in peer-reviewed scholarly journals like Science or PLOS One, plus pre-publication versions of similar work from preprint repositories like arXiv."(About->FAQ->What articles can ..) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 5 ->開く
  • Scopus preview - Scopus - Welcome to Scopus
    "Elsevier's Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Search and access research from the science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities fields."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 3 ->開く
  • Scopus preview
    "CiteScoreの算出方法を更新し、研究インパクトを示す以前よりも堅牢で安定した包括的な評価指標にしました。" NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • TIME
    "Breaking news and analysis from TIME.com. Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 4 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    "TIME.comからの"ニュース速報と分析。政治、世界のニュース、写真、ビデオ、技術レビュー、健康、科学、および芸能ニュース。"(meta name="description")
  • Crossref
    "Crossref makes research objects easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. We're a not-for-profit membership organization that exists to make scholarly communications better. Mastodon"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • crossref.org - - free DOI guest search
    "Crossref currently provides a number of ways for you to locate a DOI." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    crossref.org : 無料のDOIゲストサーチ
Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System
  • Digital Object Identifier System
    "The DOI Foundation is a not-for-profit organization. We govern the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system on behalf of the agencies who manage DOI registries and provide services to their respective communities. We are the registration authority for the ISO standard (ISO 26324) for the DOI system and we are governed by our Registration Agencies." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Resolve a DOI Name
    "Type or paste a known DOI name exactly—including its prefix and suffix—into the text box below and then ‘submit' to resolve it." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    DOI (Digital Object Identifier)を解決
Center for Open Science
  • OSF Preprints
    Preprint Archive Search is posted.(Search) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • MetaArXiv Preprints
    "An interdisciplinary archive of articles focused on improving research transparency and reproducibility" NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Springer Nature
  • Springer Nature Experiments
    "Find, evaluate and implement experiments across the life sciences with the new research solution for protocols and methods from Springer Nature."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 3 ->開く
    "CLOCKSS is a collaboration of world leading academic publishers and research libraries, providing a sustainable digital archive to ensure the long-term survival of scholarly content."(About ..->Why ..) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • JournalGuide
    "JournalGuide is a free tool created by a group of software developers, former researchers, and scholarly publishing veterans at Research Square. Our goal for JournalGuide is to bring all sources of data together in one place to give authors a simple way to choose the best journal for their research."[About] NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
Le Monde diplomatique
  • Le Monde diplomatique
    "Le Monde diplomatique, mensuel critique d'informations et d'analyses"(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
Open Access Library (OALib)
  • Open Access Library
    "Open Access Library (www.oalib.com) is an academic search engine and publisher. You can download research papers for free and submit your paper to it. It is a shared academic database."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
OpenEdition Journals
  • OpenEdition Journals
    "OpenEdition Journals is a journals platform for the humanities and social sciences. Founded in 1999 under the name of Revues.org, it is now home to 450 online publications. Of our 150 000 articles, 95% are available in full-text access."(Eng->[Footer] About OpenEdition Journals) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • Preprints - The Multidisciplinary Preprint Platform
    "Preprints is a multidisciplinary preprint platform that accepts articles from all fields of science and technology, given that the preprint is scientifically sound and can be considered part of academic literature."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • Scimago Journal & Country Rank
    "The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.)."(About Us) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
  • [日本語表示]
    ScImago Journal & Country Rank
    "The SCImago Journal & Country Rankは、雑誌別および国別の科学的指標を含む。Scopus®データベース(エルゼビア・ベーフェーによる)に含まれる情報により作成、公開されるポータルです。"
  • Journals
    "SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer's portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science."(About) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 2 ->開く
African Journals Online
  • African Journals Online
    "AJOL, the indexing platform of quality African-published scholarly journals, is a Non-Profit Organisation that (since 1998) works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Authorea
    "Authorea is the leading platform to write, cite, collaborate, host data, and publish."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • DigiZeitschriften
    "Ein Service für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Abonnement für Kernzeitschriften der deutschen Forschung für Studierende und Wissenschaffende." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Eigenfactor
    "We aim to use recent advances in network analysis to develop novel methods for evaluating the influence of scholarly periodicals, for mapping the structure of academic research, and for helping researchers navigate the scholarly literature."(About) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Journals Online project
    "The Journals Online (JOLs) project aimed to provide increased the visibility, accessibility and quality of peer-reviewed journals published in developing countries so that the research outputs produced in these countries can be found, shared and used more effectively." NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
CWTS Journal Indicators
  • CWTS Journal Indicators
    "CWTS Journal Indicators provides free access to bibliometric indicators on scientific journals. The indicators have been calculated by Leiden University's Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) based on the Scopus bibliographic database produced by Elsevier. Indicators are available for over 20,000 journals indexed in the Scopus database."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (ncse)
  • The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition
    "The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (ncse) is a free, online scholarly edition of six nineteenth-century periodicals and newspapers. It is a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London, King's College London (Centre for Computing in the Humanities and the Department of English), the British Library, and Olive Software."(About) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • Newsweek
    "Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Research Square
  • Research Square
    "Research Square is a preprint platform that makes research communication faster, fairer, and more useful."(meta name="description") NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
  • ScienceOPEN
    "ScienceOpen is a discovery platform with interactive features for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it. We provide context building services for publishers, to bring researchers closer to the content than ever before."(About) NDC: 053, 023
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
University of British Columbia - UBC.ca
Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg
  • Electronic Journals Library
    "The Electronic Journals Library is a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online."(About) NDC: 053
    リンク数: 1 ->開く