
情報資源収集日:2024/4/1 ; 更新:2024/4/21 ; 件数:4370。
全分野0 総記1 哲学2 歴史3 社会4 自然5 工業6 産業7 芸術8 言語9 文学
302 政治・経済・社会・文化事情303 参考図書[レファレンスブック] (社会科学)304 論文集.評論集.講演集 (社会科学)
307 研究法.指導法.社会科学教育 (社会科学)308 叢書.全集.選集 (社会科学)310 政治
311 政治学.政治思想312 政治史・事情314 議会
315 政党.政治結社316 国家と個人・宗教・民族317 行政
318 地方自治.地方行政319 外交.国際問題320 法律
321 法学322 法制史323 憲法
324 民法325 商法326 刑法.刑事法
327 司法.訴訟手続法329 国際法330 経済
331 経済学.経済思想332 経済史・事情.経済体制333 経済政策.国際経済
334 人口.土地.資源335 企業.経営336 経営管理
337 貨幣.通貨338 金融.銀行.信託339 保険
340 財政343 財政政策.財務行政345 租税
350 統計351 日本の統計352 アジアの統計
353 ヨーロッパの統計354 アフリカの統計355 北アメリカの統計
357 オセアニア.両極地方の統計358 人口統計.国勢調査360 社会
361 社会学364 社会保障365 生活・消費者問題
366 労働経済.労働問題367 家族問題.男性・女性問題.老人問題368 社会病理
369 社会福祉370 教育371 教育学.教育思想
372 教育史・事情373 教育政策.教育制度.教育行財政374 学校経営・管理.学校保健
375 教育課程.学習指導.教科別教育376 幼児・初等・中等教育377 大学.高等・専門教育.学術行政
378 障害児教育379 社会教育380 風俗習慣.民俗学.民族学
382 風俗史.民俗誌.民族誌383 衣食住の習俗384 社会・家庭生活の習俗
386 年中行事.祭礼388 伝説.民話[昔話]389 民族学.文化人類学
390 国防.軍事393 国防政策・行政・法令396 陸軍
397 海軍398 空軍

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NDC=354 アフリカの統計を表示しています。
National Institute of statistics, Tunisia
  • National Institute of statistics, Tunisia
    "The National Institute of statistics (L'Institut National de la Statistique: INS) was created in 1969. It is a non-administrative public organization . It also represents a central organ in the national statistics system."(About->Presentation of the INS) NDC: 354
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
  • Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
    "The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has been established as an autonomous public office by the Statistics Act, 2015 and has the mandate to provide official statistics to the Government, business community and the public at large."(About->General ..) NDC: 354
    リンク数: 1 ->開く
National Bureau Of Statistics, Nigeria
  • National Bureau Of Statistics
    "To generate, on a continuous and sustainable basis, socio-economic statistics on all facets of development in Nigeria."(About->Vision ..) NDC: 354
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National Institute of Statistics Rwanda
  • National Institute of Statistics Rwanda
    "The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) was created in October 2005 as an independent institution out of the former Department of Statistics in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) and the National Service of Census."(About) NDC: 354
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Statistics Sierra Leone
  • Stats SL
    "The Vision of Statistics Sierra Leone is to create a viable National Statistical System (NSS) with Statistics Sierra Leone at the centre for the coordination, production, dissemination and accreditation of official statistics to support evidence-based decision-making processes at both policy and planning levels."(About) NDC: 354
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Ethiopian Statistics Service (ESS)
  • Ethiopian Statistics Service
    "The Ethiopian Statistics Service (ESS) collect and compile data from sample surveys, censuses and administrative records, and also analyze data and deliver report for various sectors and users."(About) NDC: 354
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Ghana Statistical Services
  • Ghana Statistical Services
    "National Statistics Office (NSO) Established:1948 Vision:To be the trusted provider of Official Statistics for good governance. First Population Census: 1891"(Twitter) NDC: 354
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Statistics South Africa
  • Statistics South Africa
    "Transform the production, coordination and use of statistics through optimization, partnerships and innovation"(About->..mission) NDC: 354
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Uganda Bureau of Statistics – UBOS
Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats)
  • ZamStats
    "The Zambia Statistics Agency conducts census in Zambia. The Zambian Census is the most credible source of information on Demography."(Twitter) NDC: 354
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Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency
  • Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency
    "To produce timely, accurate, reliable and relevant statistics for evidence-based policy and decision making, using qualified, competent, motivated and professional staff and state of the art technology in response to the demands of our clients."(About->Mission ..) NDC: 354
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