"CNKI, starting from the CD edition electronic journals publishing project launched by Tsinghua University in 1995, is the largest knowledge and information resources platform in China."(Training)
NDC: 027
"CNKI, starting from the CD edition electronic journals publishing project launched by Tsinghua University in 1995, is the largest knowledge and information resources platform in China."(Training)
NDC: 027
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
"More than 400 mio. scientific documents from more than 11.000 content providers. BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines for academic web resources."(meta name="description")
NDC: 007, 027
"News, Nachrichten und aktuelle Meldungen aus allen Ressorts. Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Feuilleton und Finanzen im Überblick."(meta name='description')
NDC: 073
Dictionaries for the Study of Buddhist and East Asian Language and Thought
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
"The Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB] is a compilation of Chinese ideograph-based terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. Found in Buddhist canonical sources."(About ..->Introduction)
NDC: 180
" offers a free library of current trade news and resources, as well as a subscription service (the DSC Service), which provides summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations; a current keyword index; a database of dispute settlement tables and statistics; and a user-friendly search tool for WTO cases, legal texts, and other documents."
NDC: 678
California Apparel News
"The Apparel News Group, owned by TLM Publishing Inc., has been in business since 1945. The omni-channel media group covers the largest apparel center in the country and its influence worldwide."(About CAN)
NDC: 589
"Boost your publishing business with Bookwire. We provide production, distribution, marketing, & analytics tools to streamline your processes. Start now!"(meta name="description")
NDC: 023
CASP - Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
"Critical appraisal skills enable you to systematically assess the trustworthiness, relevance and results of published papers. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) has over 25 years of significant and unrivalled expertise in the delivery of training to healthcare professionals."[Interactive and Practical Training]
NDC: 492
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
" is a microsite dedicated to the dissemination of evidence reviews about the coronavirus pandemic."(About)
NDC: 492
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(STAM) 日本語版
"英文論文誌 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(STAM)は、幅広い物質材料研究の各分野で活躍する国内外の専門家39名の編集委員によって編集しています。日本が特に強い物質材料研究の成果を国内外に発信する原著論文誌(ジャーナル)として、日本で唯一の専門研究機関である物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)が刊行を支援し、物質材料研究を積極的に企画特集しています。"
NDC: 501
"経路検索は『駅すぱあと for web』。日本全国の電車・路線バス・高速バス・飛行機・フェリーを使用した経路検索に対応。定期代や時刻表、運行情報も簡単に検索できます。 駅すぱあと for webで乗り換え案内・定期代・時刻表・運行情報"(meta name="description")
NDC: 686
Guidelines International Network
"The Guidelines International Network (GIN) is a network of organisations and individuals interested in evidence-based guidelines and has one of the world's largest international guideline libraries."(About us); Covid-19 Evidence Resources and Covid-19 Guidance Resources are available.(Resources)
NDC: 492
Deutsche Historische Bibliografie
"Die Deutsche Historische Bibliografie bietet aufgrund seiner Einbettung in bibliothekarische Systeme umfassende Optionen zur Recherche und Überprüfung der Verfügbarkeit von Medien."(Hilfe)
NDC: 234
"Coverage of breaking news and current headlines from the Philippines and around the world. Top stories, photos, videos, detailed analysis and in-depth reporting."(meta name="description")
NDC: 072
Indian National Trade Union Congress
"Any trade union of workers/association of employed person, whether registered under the Trade Unions Act or any other statute, accepting the objects, means and other obligations under the Constitution may seek affiliation to the INTUC."(Affiliations)
NDC: 366 produced by JMR生活総合研究所
"日本経済を動かしている10,000人のビジネスリーダーのためのマーケティングサイト"(meta name="description") ; マーケティング用語集として、記事本文と関連性のある用語の解説を掲載。(サイドメニュー)
NDC: 675
日本の作曲家とその作品 : Search by Works or Composers
"「日本の作曲家とその作品」は、特定非営利活動法人日本現代音楽協会(Japan Society for Contemporary Music, ISCM JAPANESE SECTION)が運営するデータベースです。日本が洋楽を受容した20世紀初頭以降の芸術音楽作品を検索することができます。 なおこのデータベースは、公益財団法人稲盛財団の支援を受けて実現されたものです。"(i)
NDC: 762
LabourNet UK
"LabourNet promotes computer communications as a medium for strengthening and building organised labour. We are in the forefront of using the resources of the internet to provide communications, news and information for the labour movement."(What is LabourNet? UK [side menu])
NDC: 366
"For generations of health professionals, the Physicians' Desk Reference® (PDR®) has been a vital resource for current, trusted and credible drug prescribing information."(About)
NDC: 499