Web Archive, Available Online
"The Library of Congress Web Archive manages, preserves, and provides access to archived web content selected by subject experts from across the Library, so that it will be available for researchers today and in the future."(Expert Resources->Web Archiving Program Information [Side menu])
NDC: 547
Google Patents
"Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature."(meta name="description")
NDC: 507
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023
"The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured."(meta name="twitter:description")
NDC: 519
Internet Archive
"The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, people with print disabilities, and the general public."(About)
NDC: 007, 547
Internet Archive
"501(c)(3)の非営利団体であるThe Internet Archiveは、インターネットサイトやその他の文化的成果物をデジタル形式で保存するデジタルライブラリーを構築しています。紙の図書館のように、研究者、歴史家、学者、印刷ができない人、そして一般の人に無料でアクセスを提供しています。"(About)
Audio Archive - Internet Archive
"This library contains recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download."(About [Contents tab])
NDC: 007, 547
Moving Image Archive - Internet Archive
"This library contains digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download."(About [Contents tab])
NDC: 007, 547
JSA Group Webdesk
"日本規格協会のWeb販売サイト「JSA GROUP Webdesk」のトップページです。日本産業規格JISや国際規格ISO・IEC、海外規格ASTM・BS・DIN・ASME・UL等の規格販売。品質管理や信頼性等の管理技術、ISOマネジメントシステム、標準化、規格説明会、国際標準化研修など様々な研修メニューがございます。"(meta name="description")
NDC: 507
"With its worldwide coverage and search features, Espacenet offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from 1782 to today."(..について)
NDC: 507
International Atomic Energy Agency
"The International Atomic Energy Agency is the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field. It works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, contributing to international peace and security and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals."(About Us->Overview)
NDC: 539
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
"The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) hosts one of the world's largest collections of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology."
NDC: 539
INIS Repository Search
"INIS Repository Search provides online access to one of the world's largest collections on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. The International Nuclear Information System is operated by the IAEA in collaboration with over 150 members."(meta name="description")
NDC: 539
"産業技術史資料情報センター(Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology)の公式サイトです。研究活動、産業技術史資料、センター情報等いろいろな情報をご覧いただけます。"(meta name="description") ; HITNET、産業技術史資料データベース、重要科学技術史資料、産業映画史ほかを掲載。(サイトマップ : その他)
NDC: 502
Annual Review of Materials Research
"AIMS AND SCOPE OF JOURNAL: The Annual Review of Materials Research covers the significant developments in the field of materials research, including original methodologies, materials phenomena, material systems, and special keynote topics. [..]"(meta name="description")
NDC: 501
United States Patent and Trademark Office
"The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency for granting U.S. Patents and registering trademarks."(About Us) ; Contents: Patents; Trademarks; IP Policy; Learning and Resources
NDC: 507
Patent Public Search
"A powerful, flexible web-based patent search application that improves the overall patent searching process. It includes two user selected interfaces that provide enhanced access to prior art."(meta name="description")
NDC: 507
Patent application full text data/XML
"Contains the full text of each patent application (non-provisional utility and plant) published weekly (Thursdays) from March 15, 2001 to present (excludes images/drawings). Subset of the Patent Application Full Text Data with Embedded TIFF Images."
NDC: 507
ISO Store
"Are you looking to buy International Standards, guidelines, collections and checklists? They're all right here, in the ISO Store."(meta name="description")
NDC: 509
Online Browsing Platform (OBP)
"Access the most up to date content in ISO standards, graphical symbols, codes or terms and definitions. Preview content before you buy, search within documents and easily navigate between standards."
NDC: 509
IEEE Xplore
"IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. | IEEE Xplore"(meta name="description")
NDC: 540
WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organization
"The world's number one source for global intellectual property (patents, industrial designs, copyright, trademarks etc.) information, resources, and services."(meta name="description")
NDC: 507
Search International and National Patent Collections
"This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results."(meta name="description")
NDC: 507
"Whether you are seeking statistical, legal or technical information, this page is a gateway to our unique collections of resources and reference material. We make all our publications and data collections freely available online."
NDC: 507
National Technical Information Service
"NTIS delivers timely, actionable data services and strategic support for Federal Agencies to securely collect, store, analyze, use, and share government information, including data, in new and innovative ways."(Our Impact->Our Work)
NDC: 007, 507
National Technical Information Service
"NTISは、連邦政府機関がデータを含む政府情報を安全かつ革新的な方法で収集、保存、分析、利用、共有できるよう、タイムリーで実用的なデータサービスと戦略的サポートを提供しています。"(Our Impact->Our Work)
National Technical Reports Library - NTIS
"The NTRL fills a recognized void in access to a large collection of historical and current government technical reports that exists in many academic, public, government, and corporate libraries."(Help->About)
NDC: 007, 507
"Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or app., Meet WordPress The open source publishing platform of choice for millions of websites worldwide—from creators and small businesses to enterprises. [..]"(meta name="description")
NDC: 547
Home Economics Archive- Research, Tradition and History (HEARTH)
"HEARTH is a core electronic collection of books and journals in Home Economics and related disciplines. Titles published between 1850 and 1950 were selected and ranked by teams of scholars for their great historical importance."
NDC: 590
Merck Manuals Consumer Version
"Now Free Online - The Consumer Version of the Merck Manuals (known as the MSD Manuals outside of US & Canada) is the standard in home medical reference - since 1899."(meta name="description")
NDC: 598
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
OSTI.GOV : US Dept of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information
"[..] OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for Department of Energy science, technology, and engineering research information [sic] funded by the US Department of Energy and the organizational hub for the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.[..]"(meta name="description")
NDC: 501
"Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!"(meta name="description")
NDC: 007, 547
"The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation's oldest engineering society."(meta name="description")
NDC: 510
EPO - The European Patent Office
"The European Patent Office (EPO) examines European patent applications, enabling inventors, researchers and companies from around the world to obtain protection for their inventions in up to 44 countries through a centralised and uniform procedure that requires just one application."(About->EPO at a glance)
NDC: 507
EPO : European Patent Officeホームページ
"ヨーロッパ特許庁(EPO)はヨーロッパ特許の出願を審査し、世界中の発明者、研究者、企業が1回の出願で済む集中的かつ統一的な手続きにより、最大44カ国で発明の保護を得ることができるようにしています。"(About->EPO at a glance)
EPO - Espacenet patent search
"With its worldwide coverage and search features, Espacenet offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from 1782 to today."
NDC: 507
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
"The IEC brings together close to ~170 countries, and about 30 000 experts cooperate on the global IEC platform to ensure that products work everywhere safely with each other."(Who we are->About us)
NDC: 509
NASA Technical Reports Server
"The NASA STI Repository (also known as the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)) provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA."
NDC: 538
NASA Technical Reports Server
"NASA STI Repository (NASA Technical Reports Server(NTRS)としても知られています)は、NASAのメタデータレコード、フルテキストのオンライン文書、画像と動画へのアクセスを提供します。情報の種類には、会議論文、雑誌論文、会議文書、特許、研究レポート、画像、動画、および技術的なビデオが含まれます。科学技術情報(STI)はNASAが作成したか、あるいはNASAの資金に依るものです。"(About)
Standard Reference Data
"For over 50 years, NIST has developed and distributed Standard Reference Data in Chemistry, Engineering, Fluids and Condensed Phases, Material Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Physics.."(meta name="description")
NDC: 509
American National Standards Institute
"The American National Standards Institute - ANSI - facilitates and corrdinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system."(meta name="description")
NDC: 509
ANSI Webstore
"The ANSI Webstore is an online electronic standards web-based ordering and delivery system for U.S. And international standards"(About)
NDC: 509
ASTM International - Standards Worldwide
"Over 12,800 ASTM Standards operate globally. Defined and set by us, they improve the lives of millions every day. Combined with our innovative business services, they enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in the things they buy and use."[About ASTM International]
NDC: 509
"FASHION x TECHNOLOGY x DIGITAL MARKETINGを掲げるアパレルウェブが運営するアパレル・ファッション業界情報サイト。最新テクノロジーやデジタルマーケティングの最先端の情報、業界で有名のブロガーによる多数の記事を発信します。"(meta name="description")
NDC: 589
California Apparel News
"The Apparel News Group, owned by TLM Publishing Inc., has been in business since 1945. The omni-channel media group covers the largest apparel center in the country and its influence worldwide."(About CAN)
NDC: 589
"ArchDaily, Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide: Architecture news, competitions and projects updated every hour for the architecture professional"(meta property="og:description")
NDC: 520
BoF - The Business of Fashion
"Fashion news, analysis and advice from the leading digital authority on the global fashion industry."(meta name="description")
NDC: 589
DAAS – Digital Archives for Architectural Space
"建築・空間デジタルアーカイブス:DAAS(Digital Archives for Architectural Space)は、建築家 槇 文彦氏を代表とする建築と情報技術の専門家有志が進める、我が国の建築物に関する写真や図面などの資料を収集し活用することを目指しているプロジェクトです。"(DAASについて[サイドメニュー])
NDC: 521
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(STAM) 日本語版
"英文論文誌 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(STAM)は、幅広い物質材料研究の各分野で活躍する国内外の専門家39名の編集委員によって編集しています。日本が特に強い物質材料研究の成果を国内外に発信する原著論文誌(ジャーナル)として、日本で唯一の専門研究機関である物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)が刊行を支援し、物質材料研究を積極的に企画特集しています。"
NDC: 501
"What is ECOLEX? ECOLEX is an information service on environmental law, operated jointly by FAO, IUCN and UNEP. Its purpose is to build capacity worldwide by providing the most comprehensive possible global source of information on environmental law . This unique resource, which combines the environmental law information holdings of FAO, IUCN and UNEP, seeks to put this information at the disposal of users world-wide, in an easily accessible service, employing modern technology. [...]"(meta name="description")
NDC: 519
Hop in the Driver's Seat
"The Ford Heritage Vault spans Ford Motor Company's production history from 1903 to 2003. Tour the vault and create a collection of photographs and brochures to download and share!"(meta name="description")
NDC: 537
Data & Statistics - IEA
"The Agency collects, assesses and disseminates a large portfolio of energy data based on inputs from national administrations. Its data on energy supply and demand serve as the basis for developing annual energy statistics and energy balances for almost every country, while several monthly data collections, such as on oil, gas and electricity, focus on near-term energy security."(About)
NDC: 568
International Institute for Environment and Development
International Institute for Environment and Development
"We have delivered original, rigorous research that helps to drive progress, support sustainable development and protect the environment for over 50 years. Now we're offering different answers and approaches in order to achieve our mission."(Our approach)
NDC: 519
International Maritime Organization
"IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO's work supports the UN sustainable development goals."
NDC: 550
International Seabed Authority
"The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is an autonomous international organization established under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 1994 Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994 Agreement)."(About the Authority->.. ISA); National Legislation Database is posted in Documents and Resources section.
NDC: 558, 329
"NPO西山文庫の活動を見ることができます。住居学、建築計画学等の研究者西山夘三の旧蔵書を収集、公開。This is web site of the Uzo Nishiyama Memorial Library."(meta name="description"); 西山記念文庫資料検索を提供。(資料検索)
NDC: 520
Nuclear Energy Agency
"The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates co-operation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructures to seek excellence in nuclear safety, technology, science, environment and law."(About)
NDC: 539
Sustainable Development Report 2022
"The Sustainable Development Report 2024 tracks the performance of all 193 UN Member States on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals."(meta name="description")
NDC: 519
"SHOWstudio is an award-winning fashion website, founded and directed by Nick Knight, that has consistently pushed the boundaries of communicating fashion online."(About)
NDC: 589
Sierra Club
"The Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. We amplify the power of our millions of members and supporters to defend everyone's right to a healthy world."(About)
NDC: 519
Zandra Rhodes Digital Study Collection
"Welcome to the Zandra Rhodes Digital Study Collection! Here you can explore a selection of 500 of my couture dresses and garments from the 1960s to the present day, including pieces worn by icons such as Diana, Princess of Wales, Elizabeth Taylor, and Diana Ross."
NDC: 589
International Environmental Technology Centre
Contents of resources: Global Waste Management Outlook 2024; Towards Zero Waste: A Catalyst for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals; World Environment Day 2023 Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide; Gender and waste management: E-waste and plastic waste; Gender and medical waste in the time of COVID-19; Gender and waste management: Did you know…?; et al.
NDC: 519
"VISIONAIRE conceptualizes and produces events, installations, digital content, and art publications all curated through the lens of fashion, art, and contemporary culture."(meta name="description")
NDC: 589
Environment Web Directory
"Submit your website to the Internet's fastest growing directory! Category based and cross-referenced."(meta name="description")
NDC: 519