"第二次世界大戦期(1941-1945)アメリカ合衆国のプロパガンダポスター90点。米スタンフォード大学に所蔵されていましたが、日本人関係者を介して、その一部をCPASが1983年に購入しました。This collection includes ninety U.S. propaganda posters produced in the Second World War. In 1983, the Center for Pacific and American Studies purchased the materials that had been originally housed at Stanford University."
NDC: 253
"The Center for Southeast Asian Studies aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of SEAsia and around based on transdisciplinary/field-based research."(Twitter)
NDC: 223
Handbook of Latin American Studies
"Contains scholarly assessments of publications related to Latin America, from the 1960s to the present, including books, articles, maps, e-resources, and more."
NDC: 255
International Dunhuang Project
"Founded in 1994, the International Dunhuang Programme (IDP) is a pioneering international collaboration that brings together online collections from the Eastern Silk Roads and promotes the understanding of the history and culture of the region."
NDC: 222
South Asia Open Archives Print
"The South Asia Open Archives (SAOA) | Print collection contains over thirty thousand (30,000!) digitized print items. These items include newspapers, serials, and journals; colonial reports, censuses, and government."
NDC: 225
検索対象ファイル: 沖縄県立沖縄図書館『郷土資料目録』(昭和4年)、国立国会図書館支部上野図書館(編)『琉球文献目録稿』、成城大学民俗学研究室(編・刊)『南島文献資料目録I』(図書)、成城大学民俗学研究室(編・刊)『南島文献資料目録I』(雑誌)、George H.Kerr(編)、琉球大学発行『琉球文献目録』(『BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RYUKYUS』、大城宗清(編)『<琉球政府立法院図書室>戦後沖縄の文献解題−1961年3月31日現在−』、九学会連合沖縄調査委員会(編)『沖縄研究文献・資料目録抄』第I分冊、はか。
NDC: 219
"琉球・沖縄関係貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ(Ryukyu/Okinawa-related Materials Digital Special Collections)は、琉球・沖縄に関する貴重資料を電子的に公開し、学術研究および教育・生涯学習における利活用を促進することを目的としています。"(..について)
NDC: 219
日本研究のための歴史情報 Japan History Information Studies
"日本研究の為の歴史情報として、終戦直後のデータや明治時代の様々なデータを検索できるようにしています"(meta name="description"); データベースとして、『人事興信録』データベース、法令データベース、SCAPIN-DB、裁判例データベース(明治・大正編)ほかへのリンクを掲載。
NDC: 210
Digital Public Library of America
"The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America's libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world."(meta name="description")
NDC: 253
"One of the primary focuses of the Center is the digitization of collections and database construction. It continuously digitizes significant, unique, timely, and vulnerable cultural assets owned by National Taiwan University (NTU) and extends its efforts to important cultural assets nationally and internationally."(Eng->About)
NDC: 222
Virtuelle Deutsche Landesbibliographie
"Landesbibliographien verzeichnen die Literatur aller Sach- und Wissensgebiete über ein Bundesland, seine Orte und Regionen und seine Persönlichkeiten und berücksichtigen dabei fast alle Literaturgattungen und Medienarten."
NDC: 234
High-Quality Image Database of Old Photographs of Japan
"長崎大学附属図書館所蔵の「幕末・明治期日本古写真コレクション」は、幕末から明治中期にかけて撮影されたもので、 極めて鮮明な写真が数多くあり、写真細部には、当時の都市・風景・風俗等に関する膨大な情報が埋め込まれています。この古写真細部の情報を活用するため、コンピュータ画面上で、5倍から10倍に拡大しても鮮明に見ることができるように、 超高精細画像による『幕末・明治期古写真超高精細画像データベース』を構築し公開いたします。"(閲覧する)
NDC: 210
Gaihozu Digital Archives JP
"Discover the historical landscapes of the Asia-Pacific region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries from the digital archives of Gaihozu, former Japanese military maps (in Japanese)."(meta name="description")
NDC: 292
Historische Bibliographie Online
"The database contains 358.551 bibliographical entries on historical research literature that was published between 1990 and 2013: monographies as well as papers in journals and collected essays. Additionally, it contains 8.758 entries on historical works that were unpublished until 2013."; Open Access
NDC: 203
French Revolution Digital Archive
"The Archives parlementaires is a chronologically-ordered edited collection of sources on the French Revolution. It was conceived in the mid 19th century as a project to produce a definitive record of parliamentary deliberations and also includes letters, reports, speeches, and other first-hand accounts from a great variety of published and archival sources."
NDC: 235
"「沖縄戦デジタルアーカイブ~戦世からぬ伝言」は、沖縄戦の推移を時空間表現したデジタル地図コンテンツです。生き延びた戦争体験者の証言、戦没者の時系列分布、そして戦場のようすを捉えた写真資料を閲覧できます。制作:首都大学東京 渡邉英徳研究室 x 沖縄タイムス x GIS沖縄研究室"(meta name="description")
NDC: 210
Biographie Portal
"The “Biographical Portal" is a cooperative project of the Bavarian State Library, the Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Foundation Historical Dictionary of Switzerland. A joint index makes available the following works: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB; abgeschlossen); Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB); [et al.]"
NDC: 283
Deutsche Biographie
"Zertifiziertes Wissen zu mehr als 1.000.000 Persönlichkeiten des deutschen Sprachraums vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, u.a. 50.000 biographische Artikel (ADB, NDB und NDB-online) und Links zu über 250 weiteren Angeboten (Lexika, Quellen, Literatur etc.)"
NDC: 283
Sagar: A South Asia Research Journal
"Sagar: A South Asia Research Journal was established in 1993 and was published annually by The South Asia Institute at the University of Texas at Austin until 2020. Sagar published innovative academic writings in the humanities and social sciences of South Asia, as well as critical translations of texts from South Asian languages to English."
NDC: 223
Okinawan Genealogy Society
"Inspired by a genealogy workshop in 1993 conducted by Dr. Bernice Hirai and the Hawaii Hiroshima Heritage Study Group, the Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii was established in 1994 by a group of 2nd and 3rd generation Okinawans with a desire to preserve and perpetuate their cultural heritage for future generations. Currently with more than 100 members, we provide assistance in genealogical research, non-commercial translation service and preparation of family registration requests (koseki)."(meta name="description")
NDC: 288
"AfricaBib is a collection of Africana social science titles, presented in one easily accessible location on the internet. It is the culmination of over forty years of Africana research."(About AfricaBib)
NDC: 294
Anne Frank Manuscripten
"Wetenschappelijke editie van het dagboek van Anne Frank, van haar bewerking daarvan tot ‘roman van het Achterhuis' en van andere teksten waarmee ze hoopte een beroemd schrijfster te worden."(Clicking 'Yes' ..)
NDC: 289
Asia & the Pacific - ANU Library - ANU
"These guides and resources cover Asia Pacific, Southeast Asia and East Asian studies."; A part of Subject guides.
NDC: 220
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
"The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada (DCB/DBC) is the home of close to 9,000 biographies of individuals from all walks of life and all parts of the country. Our biographies are written by experts in their fields, are based on primary sources, and are rigorously fact-checked for accuracy; our objective is to produce entries that are well researched, reliable, and readable."[Welcome]
NDC: 285
Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon
"Das Österreichische Biographische Lexikon erfasst bedeutende Persönlichkeiten, die in der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie bzw. im jeweiligen österreichischen Staatsverband geboren wurden, gelebt oder gewirkt haben."
NDC: 283
"Links connect to European primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. In addition you will find video or sound files, maps, photographs or other imagery, databases, and other documentation."
NDC: 230
"Zur Zeit lassen sich rund 110.000 Bilder recherchieren. Die zwischen 1830 und 1964 entstandenen Fotografien, Aquarelle, Tuschzeichnungen etc. Zeigen prähistorische Felszeichnungen, Portraits, Landschaften, Architektur und materielle Kultur."
NDC: 202
World History Archives
"World History Archives, by Hartford Web Publishing, offers documents to support the study of world history from a working-class and non-Eurocentric perspective." ; 2010年10月更新
NDC: 209
Harvard-Yenching Institute
"The Harvard-Yenching Institute is an independent foundation providing a range of support for research, training, libraries, and publications in the humanities and social sciences with special attention to Asian Studies."(meta name="description")
NDC: 222
Deutsche Historische Bibliografie
"Die Deutsche Historische Bibliografie bietet aufgrund seiner Einbettung in bibliothekarische Systeme umfassende Optionen zur Recherche und Überprüfung der Verfügbarkeit von Medien."(Hilfe)
NDC: 234
Vatican Exhibit Main Hall
"ROME REBORN: THE VATICAN LIBRARY AND RENAISSANCE CULTURE presents some 200 of the Vatican Library's most precious manuscripts, books, and maps--many of which played a key role in the humanist recovery of the classical heritage of Greece and Rome."(About the exhibition)
NDC: 237
JBDB – Japan Biographical Database
"The Japan Biographical Database (JBDB) is a database aimed at accumulating information on historical figures related to Japan. Using a modern JavaScript web application, we have set up a PostgreSQL database based on the database construction of the China Biographical Database (CBDB) to accumulate data and edit its functions."
NDC: 281
Needham Research Institute
"THE NEEDHAM RESEARCH INSTITUTE is the home of the Science and Civilisation in China Project, and houses the East Asian History of Science Library. As a recognised global centre of study, the NRI offers a unique collection of books and other published materials on the history of science, technology and medicine in East Asia, and welcomes scholars from all over the world."
NDC: 220
Oregon Digital
"Oregon Digital is a cooperative effort of University of Oregon and Oregon State University Libraries that gives its users access to unique online collections of enduring value. Users will find key multimedia resources on Oregon history, culture and life as well as on broader topics and geographies that align with the collection strengths of each of our institutions."(About Oregon Digital->Mission and Vision)
NDC: 253
Regesta Imperii
"The REGESTA IMPERII (RI) chronologically record all activities evidenced by charters and other sources of the Roman-German kings and emperors from the Carolingians up to Maximilian I (ca. 751-1519) as well as of the popes of the early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages in the form of German “Regesten" (abstracts)."(The project)
NDC: 234
Русское географическое общество
"The Russian Geographical Society was founded by the order of Nicholas I in 1845. In different years, the Society was led by the representatives of the Russian Imperial House, scientists and statesmen."(English->The Society) ; GES Journal is available.
NDC: 290
Электронная библиотека ГПИБ
"Электронная библиотека ГПИБ России представляет собой собрание документов и материалов по отечественной и всеобщей истории. Содержит издания по генеалогии и геральдике, истории военного дела, источники по истории, этнографии и географии России."
NDC: 238
"Slavistik-Portal it the first point of access for information in Slavistics for German-speaking countries and is directed to scholars and researchers in Slavistics, Slavic Studies, teachers, translators, journalists, culture managers and all the people who is interested in Slavistics, Slavic languages, literatures, folklore and culture."(meta name="description")
NDC: 239
Down Survey Project
"Taken in the years 1656-1658, the Down Survey of Ireland is the first ever detailed land survey on a national scale anywhere in the world. The survey sought to measure all the land to be forfeited by the Catholic Irish in order to facilitate its redistribution to Merchant Adventurers and English soldiers. [..] This Project has brought together for the first time in over 300 years all the surviving maps, digitised them and made them available as a public online resource."
NDC: 293
Wiener Holocaust Library
"The Wiener Holocaust Library is one of the world's leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era. Formed in 1933, the Library's unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony."[About us]
NDC: 209
Perseus Digital Library
"Since planning began in 1985, the Perseus Digital Library Project has explored what happens when libraries move online. Two decades later, as new forms of publication emerge and millions of books become digital, this question is more pressing than ever. Perseus is a practical experiment in which we explore possibilities and challenges of digital collections in a networked world."(About)
NDC: 231
The Digital South Asia Library
"The Digital South Asia Library provides dictionaries, gazetteers, photographs, prints, drawings, maps, statistics, bibliographies, indexes, books, and journals for reference and research concerning South Asia."(meta name="description")
NDC: 225
3D Petrie Museum
"Since 2009, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at UCL, in collaboration with UCL's Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering and business partner Arius 3D, has been developing a groundbreaking programme for creating 3D images of objects in the Petrie collection."(About)
NDC: 242
Postwar Japan | University Libraries
"The Postwar Japan collections cover the years following the end of World War II through the years of the Occupation of Japan. Of particular note is the Gordon W. Prange Collection, the most comprehensive archive in the world of Japanese print publications issued during the early years of the Occupation of Japan, 1945-1949. These books, magazines, newspapers, posters, maps and more were subjected to censorship by the Allied Forces. They bear censorship markings ranging from check-in and examination dates to deletions, suppression and other changes."
NDC: 210
Digital Library of Georgia
"The Digital Library of Georgia is a GALILEO initiative based at the University of Georgia Libraries that collaborates with Georgia's Libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions of education and culture to provide access to key information resources on Georgia history, culture, and life."(meta name="description")
NDC: 253