UT Database for Sanskrit Mauniscripts
"Database for Sanskrit Manuscripts preserved in The University of Tokyo Library"(meta name="description")
NDC: 183
UT Database for Sanskrit Mauniscripts
" 東京大学総合図書館所蔵 サンスクリット写本 データベース"(meta name="description")
Digital 法寶義林 (Hôbôgirin)
"Site conçu et maintenu par l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres) et SAT大蔵経データベース研究会 (SAT Daizōkyō Database Committee)."
NDC: 183
Toyo Bunko Manuscript Kanjur
"[..] The Tibetan research group of the Toyo Bunko launched the project in collaboration with the Open Philology project, an ERC-funded effort based at Leiden University (project 741884), and the project Buddhist Kanjur Collections in Tibet's Southern and Western Borderlands based at the University of Vienna."
NDC: 183